Fresh Nikes: 21/365 NaBloPoMo

What a perfect way to start of new year, a fresh effort at weight control and the first year of a new president!

Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I bought a new pair of sneakers. I used to run daily and then my shoes were critical, but over the years I moved indoors, to the machines and weights and I seemed to just ignore my shoes.  But last week Anthony, my PT,  noticed that I was squeaking.  He glanced down at my sneakers and cringed.

“When’s the last time you got yourself a new pair of sneakers?”

I hesitated. That was enough for him.

I’m going to stay positive as I slip on my a brand new pair of Nikes and head out to the gym to sweat my way through an hour with Anthony. Change begins right here, with me and in Washington, I wonder what Barack is thinking about as he begins his day with his sweaty workout.

We are both sweating into the year.  I am with him as he sweats into next week and unveils his State of the Union speech, the first one for me in 8 years.

Categories: A Photo A Day 365/2010, NaBloPoMo January '10 | Tags: , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Fresh Nikes: 21/365 NaBloPoMo

  1. Don’t you just love new beginnings? A clean slate? A fresh start? There’s something so hopeful and amazing about a new year and a new pair of sneakers.

    Good luck in the year to come.

    Stopping by from IComLeavWe.

  2. Monique Renae

    I love the idea of this blog. Definitely going to become an instant favorite of mine I can see.

    And looking at those sneakers makes me want to run by and grab a pair.

    Happy ICLW 🙂

  3. Beautiful shoes. Reminds me of a pair I got once that were like whipped cream on my feet. XD

  4. OoOoo new shoes, I *heart* new shoes, yes even ones that make you do exercise!


  5. How sadly OCD does it make me that the first thing I notice is that the shoes are backwards?

    I know, I know… sad.

  6. Hey! I’m just about to buy my first pair in I don’t know how long, too. I have a feeling yours will get more use than mine, though, LOL.

  7. I have those sneakers too! I usually get a new pair every year.

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