Another Birthday Event

Sunday was a good day, a perfect day for a birthday. Tuvia over time, has gotten into my 24-hour celebration state of mind, and this year at 5am, in inky darkness he delivered his 12 roses and card to my side of the bed and off we went…

It was my day and often it overwhelms me. I try and slow down time and of course, I fail.  But I choreographed this one well and saved the dinner for last, at my Rockland fave X.  We shared a Cowboy Rib-eye steak with great wine and trimmings and when I could barely walk to the car, dessert was still waiting back home: Tara, is was….a Red Velvet Crumbs Cupcake, of course and a heaping mound of  vanilla frozen yogurt with white chocolate chips and raspberries.

But in the midst of all that wild abandon there was time grooved in for the movie version of “Sarah’s Key”. As usual, the book is better, but it’s still a watcher..

So it was a rich day.  A day where expectations were met and then some…

Check out the almost life-sized bear behind me in the photo.  That arrived with Mihael (7) and Mia(5). That was actually when the celebration began. 🙂

62, I’m ready for you!

Categories: Uncategorized | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “Another Birthday Event

  1. What a wonderful, much-deserved celebration, full of love & life!

  2. Anita Merando

    Beautiful, Bonnie. It is always amazing when the day starts with roses. My roses arrived at work mid-day on Monday, and they created a celebration throughout the school…Teachers talking about how special it is to be loved, kids singing happy birthday and parents, at the end of the day, offering their best wishes. A day with roses is always a great day. Glad to hear your whole day was as you wanted it. 🙂 anita

  3. Glad to hear you had such a great day! You deserve a day with red velvet cupcakes and roses. =)

  4. Michelle

    Happy birthday! A special day with a special family with a special bear! Love the bear . . . my twin daughters (15 months) snuggle with their life-size bear that we call Brownie. Enjoy!

  5. Happy birthday. It seems that it was a marvelous day, just right for what you wanted! The photo with the bear makes the post pretty special! (My son’s birthday was Sunday also-a special date for us, too!)

  6. grade4wizard

    Every birth is a miracle and every birthday deserves a wonderful celebration like yours.
    Happy Birthday!
    Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! (in Estonian)

  7. Happy Birthday, friend.
    Love the picture there.
    Happy days ahead …

  8. Lisa

    I am really late…but hope you enjoyed your day! The dessert sounds grwat!

  9. We have close birthdays, but you definitely embrace celebrating where I tend to ignore. Having been raised on a farm, with a summer birthday, and no friends around for miles, my birthday was only mentioned in passing. I’ve pretty much carried that into adulthood.

    You also seem to be embracing your age better than I am. Next year is 60. Oh my.

  10. That’s very cool and you bet, I do embrace my day but this year I thought I was being more low key :). And so far the age thing doesn’t seem to have hit me. Interesting that your life experience was so different,

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