End of the day Slice#9 & Conversations with Eileen

I wanted to begin my day with a morning slice but it was way too early to wake up enough for writing:  4:15?  And I had to be officially up by 6 to get out of the house by 7 for my ride up the NYS Thruway to keynote our HVWP conference. No, I needed to keep trying for a bit more of the night’s sleep and with Tuvia’s persistence, I did succeed.  But then no time for writing… and at the end of a great morning tech seminar, I  raced home for my movie date with an 8-year-old to see the new (and disappointing) OZ, but don’t tell Mihael.  He LOVED it!

Still no time for writing until right now at 8:25 PM.

Here goes:

DSC_0269I am fearless when it comes to computers, cameras, phones… most digital toys, but when boxes arrive with charts like to one above, no, way!  I’m intimidated.

My new, fancy tripod and ball-head arrived in two long boxes and on small package.  I took everything out and  tried my hand at opening screws and fiddling around.  No luck… and those charts above, written in Japanese.  I put everything back in the boxes and took them along as I packed for Tuvia’s with a thought that maybe he would be up to the challenge.

Now he’s not good with his iPad, or the computer or even his non-smart cell phone and he has no patience when I try and solve his issues.  He doesn’t get that to figure things out you need to experiment.

But with tools, machinery… tripods, charts, wow is he good!  30 minutes and we’re good to go!


How about that?

Categories: Conversations with Eileen, Slice of Life 2013 | Tags: , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “End of the day Slice#9 & Conversations with Eileen

  1. Yeah for help from Tuvia! I love that you are fearless in technology, wish you were closer to Missouri.

  2. I would be very intimidated by those directions and tools also! My mum is pretty awesome when it comes to figuring out how to put things together with directions – my dad on the other hand has no clue!

  3. You sound just like my mom and I! haha… I can do tech, but I can’t help her with it without an argument. And, she can do charts and tools, but not while I am around, or again, there will be an argument. 🙂 Glad you got the job done!

  4. Me, too, but I’m learning to be better. My daughter is a whiz at the 3-D stuff so I rely on her much of the time. Hurrah for Tuvia!

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